Our Favorite Games

Clay's Favorites

I consider myself a bit of an "omnigamer", but games that make it higher on my list tend to be medium to medium-heavy European designs.

#1:  Brass: Birmingham
#2: La Granja
#3: The Castles of Burgundy
#4: Dungeon Petz
#5: Glen More II: Chronicles
#6: Glass Road
#7: Twilight Imperium: 4th Ed.
#8: Clans of Caledonia
#9: Kemet
#10: Trajan

Jen's Favorites

Jen likes a little bit of everything in gaming.  Her top 10 games are mostly mid-weight Euros, but she also enjoys abstract strategy , and some of her favorites are fighty-stabby games like Kemet and War of the Ring.

#1: War of the Ring
#2: Troyes
#3: Public Market
#4: La Granja
#5: Kemet
#6: Great Western Trail
#7: Grand Austria Hotel
#8: Glass Road
#9: Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
#10: Dinosaur World


All games that have been given the BCBG Reserve Label.  These are games that we highly recommend trying!